USA Federal Agent organized, conducted, directed, empowered, enabled, conceals, aided and abetted the Rape on me by Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller.

Mr. Benjamin Engle told me that he used to be a Registered Sex Offender but his record was expunged.  Mr. Benjamin Engle told me that he chased someone in public without any of his clothes on.



i venerate, revere, adore, extol, love, honor, respect, admire, praise and applaud our All Beloved and All Greatest United States of America.

I am grateful, blessed, honored, privileged, and proud to be a Citizen of our All Beloved and All Greatest United States of America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.


Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller Raped me With the Intent to Destroy me.  They came under the pretext of saving my family and my Community from going to hell.

The Trojan Horse had been formally trained against me for years before they came to me.  My Community is a closed people group.  We do not permit outsiders to become members.  Other than the Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller, I have never known any outsider to speak the Gujarati language of my community as fluently as a native.  Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller knew the Gujarati language of my Community as fluently as a native, and could read, write, and speak it as fluently as a native, with the accent of a native.  They pretended in great detail that I taught them the Gujarati language of my Community within 1-2 months.

Twin Andrew Miller asked me for a list of words in the Gujarati language of my Community which he said he wanted to memorize to learn the language.  He collected many words, of everyday use, from me in this language.  Twin Andrew Miller would ask me to translate to my Community’s Gujarati language, words of everyday use, like hello, name, yes, no, is, was, etc.  He told me that he wanted to learn and memorize those words.  After collecting the words from me, he began to speak short sentences.  He would ask me questions about sentence structures somewhat like, Does the verb come after the noun or does the noun come after the verb?  He gave explanations that he was able to form sentences from the words I gave him because of Linguistics principles he learned from Harvard.  Since Harvard is a prestigious university, I believed him and did not doubt.  After collecting the words from me, when he would speak the Gujarati language of my community, he would pretend to pause and think while speaking.  He would pause and pretend to have difficulty forming sentences.  I encouraged him to speak without short pauses in his speech.  Then he abruptly began to speak fast and fluently like a national (native).

Since Twin Andrew Miller deceived me into thinking that I had taught him my Gujarati language within 1-2 months, I had been impressed at his ability to learn a foreign language so fluently within just a month or two.  I told him often that I was impressed that he could accomplish so much.  I did not suspect Twin Andrew Miller because of the prestigious university, Harvard, that he was educated at.  A Baptist missionary informed me that he spent four years to learn to speak the language of his host country.  It would take a foreign average person many years to learn to speak, read, and write a language as fluently as a native and with the accent of a native.

In the years that the Twins lived with me, they never ever told me that they had studied any Gujarati language before they came to me.  They told me that one of them, Twin Andrew Miller, had a degree in Linguistics.  Initially, Twin Andrew Miller told me that they did not learn languages in his degree but only linguistics principles.  Twin Andrew Miller also told us that he knew French, and would talk with another person in French.  Hence, I believed him when he told me that he learned the language from me because of his formal training in linguistics principles.  I was so naive, simple, and trusting that I did not suspect how both the Twins spoke my mother-tongue so fluently when only Twin Andrew Miller had told us that he had a degree in Linguistics.  Twin Benjamin Engle said he had a degree in Philosophy.  Twin Benjamin Engle started speaking my mother-tongue, fluently, later on in his stay with me.  I did not suspect how Twin Benjamin Engle learned my mother-tongue from me so fluently.  I did not teach Benjamin Engle my mother-tongue at all.  They both knew my mother-tongue so fluently that they often corrected me when I spoke it.  They informed me that my Community members told them that they spoke our Gujarati language with the accent of a national (native).  They could key into their computer in the Gujarati language of my community in Roman fonts.  Twins Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller went to great extent to deceive me that I taught them my mother-tongue Gujarati within 1-2 months.


Every morning, Mr. Andrew Miller would wake up and try to forcibly remove my pants for the purpose of raping me.  He frequently raped me With the Intent to Destroy me.  When he would wake up in the mornings, he would pretend to be possessed by the devil, move about his body (twist, turn, swaying, bend, stretch, lean forward, lean backward, swing from side to side, shake below his waist, and make other hand and body movements and facial gestures) as though he were possessed by demons, and forcibly try to unzip and pull down my pants to rape me, and he frequently raped me With the Intent to Destroy me.  Similarly, Mr. Benjamin Engle would also frequently act like a cartoon.  Mr. Benjamin Engle frequently had an er-ction in my presence.  Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller slept about 8 hours every weeknight and about 12 hours a night on weekends.

Sexual Predator Mr. Benjamin Engle frequently and totally stripped from head to foot, approached me, and told me among other things, “I want to put my p-nis into your rear.”  I would object, and say, “No.  No,” and try to push him away from me.  Benjamin Engle frequently and violently pushed his hand into my pants, against my will, even when he was in my car with me while I was driving on a public road, and forcibly held my p-nis against my will.

I literally, explicitly, and at multiple times told Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller that I did not like them in any physical way.  I literally, explicitly, and repeatedly told Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller that I did not love them in any physical way.  I literally, explicitly, and frequently told Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller that I was not attracted to them in any way whatsoever.


I literally, daily, respectfully, and frequently requested Mr. Andrew Miller, Mr. Benjamin Engle, and the Trojan Horse to leave my family’s home in Maryland, but they refused to leave.  I also literally, respectfully, and explicitly told them, “Get Out,” while pointing to the front door, but they refused to leave.  Daily and frequently, they all had the opportunity to leave and go away, but they refused to leave.

Mr. Andrew Miller and Mr. Benjamin Engle had a blue Bronco car of their own, and could have easily driven off any time they wanted to, but they refused to leave.  They forcibly took my car with them every weekday, while I went for my two employments.  They had their own three laptop computers with their own email, and their own mobile telephone, but they refused to leave.  In those days, there were Public Telephones which they could have easily used.  All four of them regularly met with their relatives in my absence, but they refused to leave my family’s home.


I woke up in the middle of one night, and found Sexual Predator Mr. Andrew Miller looking at the internet on his notebook computer.  When I went close to him, he closed the computer very quickly.  He told me that he was watching pornography of older men.  He said to me that that he liked watching pornography of older men.  I have no doubt that Twin Andrew Miller was secretly scheming late every night by internet on Raping me With the Intent to Destroy me.  I have no doubt that Twin Andrew Miller was secretly receiving instructions late every night by internet on Raping me With the Intent to Destroy me.  Mr. Andrew Miller and Mr. Benjamin Engle were con artists.


Mr. Benjamin Engle told me that he used to be a Registered Sex Offender but his record was expunged.  Mr. Benjamin Engle told me that he chased someone in public without any of his clothes on.


On about June 8, 2003, when Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller left me, Mr. Andrew Miller repeatedly and literally threatened me, “I will destroy you.  I will destroy your mother and father.  I will destroy your family.  I will destroy . . .”

Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller knew the Gujarati language of my Community as fluently as a native, and could read, write, and speak it as fluently as a native, with the accent of a native.  Mr. Andrew Miller went to an elaborate extent to lie that I taught him my mother tongue within 1-2 months.  Mr. Andrew Miller told me that he took prior courses in Hindi, Urdu, and Arabic, but concealed that he took prior courses in my mother tongue Gujarati of my community.  Mr. Andrew Miller and Mr. Benjamin Engle were trained for years in my mother tongue, and therefore, trained for years to Rape me With the Intent to Destroy me.


I was saved in Texas.  My spiritual mother lives in Texas.  I decided to return to Texas.

Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller accompanied me in my automobile from Maryland to Texas.  On the way, we took a Detour, against my will, to Harvard University and their Mother’s house in Pennsylvania.  At Harvard University, Mr. Andrew Miller took me, against my will, to his Friends’ apartment for hours.  Mr. Andrew Miller left their apartment for hours and returned.  Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller could have easily left forever, but they refused to leave me.  Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller took me, against my will, in my automobile, to their Mother’s house in Pennsylvania.  Again, Mr. Benjamin Engle and Mr. Andrew Miller could have easily stayed behind at their Mother’s home, but they accompanied me, against my will, to Texas.

Mr. Andrew Miller and Mr. Benjamin Engle  RAPED  me With the Intent to Destroy me.

Thank you very much for your mercy, grace, forgiveness, Exoneration, Vindication of my honor, and kindness towards me.

God Bless our All Beloved, All Honorable, All Excellent, and All Greatest Excellency United States 47th President Donald Trump and His All Excellent Family.

God Bless our Beloved and Great State of Maryland.

God Bless our All Beloved and All Greatest United States of America, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

With all of my heart, all of my mind, all of my strength, all of my soul, and with my whole being:

I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

O say can you see by the dawn’s early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming,

Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,

O’er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave,

O’er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave?

Most reverently yours,

feroze byram golwalla


USA Federal Agent murdered my father Byram Golwalla and my aunt Katy Golwalla by means of the Occult.


USA Federal Agent murdered my aunt Katy Golwalla by obstructing her breathing, please.  Now, USA Federal Agent is daily obstructing my mother’s breathing.  USA Federal Agent mocks my mother and laughs at her as he obstructs her breathing.

USA Federal Agent daily and frequently threatens me that he is murdering my mother, or giving her Cancer, Brain Cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease, Senility, Stroke, Cardiac Arrest, Breathing Inability, Blindness, or Broken Bones.

USA Federal Agent is an ally, proponent, and advocate of my Rapists Benjamin Engle and Andrew Miller.

USA Federal Agent is damaging the Brains, Cognition, and Memory of my mother, my sibling, and me, even as recently as March 9, 2025.

USA Federal Agent cruelly forces my mother and my siblings to sleep only on their Left side, and never on their Right side or middle, please.  USA Federal Agent threatens to murder my mother if she does not sleep only on the Left.  

USA Federal Agent does not allow my mother and my siblings to sleep on their Right side or middle, please.

USA Federal Agent murdered my two Physicians, by means of the Occult.

USA Federal Agent wages Psychological Warfare against my mother, my siblings, and me.  I want USA Federal Agent to stop talking to my mother, my siblings, and me.

Please consider USA Federal Agent’s hatred towards me that he regularly calls me “bitch” or the “F” word, in a derogatory way.       

USA Federal Agent is aggressively breaking and incapacitating the thumbs of my mother, my siblings, and me, by means of the Occult.             

USA Federal Agent is aggressively Emasculating and Castrating my brothers and me, by means of the Occult.        

I, respectfully, request USA Federal Agent to immediately, permanently, unconditionally, and completely leave my mother, my family, and me.

Underneath is a video of USA Federal Agent torturing me.  USA Federal Agent has almost completely smashed my ankles, and continues to smash to this day what little remains of my ankles.